
Saturday, 14 September 2013

Local newspapers

Local newspapers

For my task that is set I will be producing a local newspaper for my target audience. In order for me to do this, I have previously researched into popular newspapers so I can see why they are so successful by what layout and format they use to I am able to gather ideas from this.  Now to gain more knowledge as to how local newspapers are represented I am going to analyse some newspapers from my local area.

An example of a local newspaper is the Whitstable Times.

This is a local newspaper that I will anyalyse and look into. This newsaper has got a big masterhead at the top for the title and advertisements. The important element to a newspaper is that the title for the newspaper will always be the same for everyone as it is a way in how the newspaper is identified. Here the newspaper has used BIG BOLD text with 'Whitstable' text being larger than 'times'.  Also, alongside in the same font but in non capitals is the headline. This is the most important part on the front cover as it is the attraction to the page to draw your audience in.

This newspaper has used a few images however the headline picture is the largest as this should be the part of the page that stands out the most. If there are too many images on the page then all the attention will be taken away from the headline.

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