
Sunday, 29 September 2013


Theories used in Media 

There are many theories recognised in the media, these can become very useful as I may be able to relate them to my own tasks.

Tzvetan Todorov- He suggests that there is a narrative which can be used in a variety of medias. He believes there are five stages. These being:

  1. Equilibrium
  2. Disruption
  3. Realisation
  4. Reparation
  5. Restoration of Equilibrium

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


What is Narrative?

This is an event that is put together and presented to an audience by a sequence. It is not the actual text, it is how it has been put together. This will be used when I produce my newspaper front cover and second page because I will not only be putting together the text I will want there to have a meaning behind it and show why I have chosen to put certain aspects. I will show what techniques and methods I will approach when producing my newspaper to show my narrative throughout the process.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

What Front Covers usually include

Masthead- This is known as the newspaper's name. It is the easiest way to identify a newspaper so it is important that this masthead does stand out. This is also an essential part of branding.

Slogan- A 'catchphrase' summing up the newspaper's philosophy or unique selling point.

Puffs or blurbs- Colour bands to attract readers to stories that can suggest that is on a page within the newspaper or coming soon.

Headlines- This is for the most important stories and would be the largest typeface on the page. This is usually what sells the newspaper as a whole by their main story.

Sub-heads- looks similar to the headline but is a smaller typeface which explains a bit more about the story.

Lead Story- Audience heads straight to the lead story and will want to read all about it and is highlighted as being the most interesting.

By-line- journalist's name, can include a photo.

Secondary Lead- Exactly the same as the main story except it is less important.

Photographs- They can illustrate the lead story or they could be there to that the reader looks further into the newspaper for example see page 5 (with a picture).

Captions- They can be just as meaningful as the photographs as it gives readers more knowledge based upon the picture.

Menu- This is a table of contents that shows what is in each section and where to find the articles inside the newspaper. This is usually referred to as a contents page.

Small/line ad- no images, this just contains text only.

Display Ad- Includes a picture

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Front cover Conventions

Newspaper Front Cover

There are four goals a newspaper needs to achieve in order to get the best response for its final outcome.

  1.  It is important to reinforce the newspaper's identity through easily recognisable style features. When I discover my format and style I will need to keep to this on the regular publications in order for the newspaper to be recognised in order for it to become more popular. Also, making the logo on the front cover is crucial as images are a way of catching peoples attention without them even reading a thing. 
  2. Attract your readers. Know your target audience. 
  3. Show your newspapers attitude towards the news of the day. All newspaper have different opinions and readers like to see different sides of opinions so they can access and evaluation what they think about the article themselves. This can be done in a variety of ways such as Using a strong headline and adjusting it to the newspapers thought on the article. For example, I have looked further into this and I gathered up a variety of different newspapers all on the same story of Ed Miliband's father. Not one newspaper was the same. This just goes to show that all newspapers have different opinions and you want yours to have an opinion.
  4. Include stories, exclusives and better coverage of main stories than other newspapers. Beat your competitors and put in that extra something to stand out. 

Friday, 20 September 2013


In order to choose my main headline story I will need to choose a theme. 

My newspaper is currently being produced in December time. This gives me a variety of headlines as to what I can pick for my audience. This theme will be my main story. In december there are lots of events going on such as, christmas, lights, heating costs, carols. However I didn't want to do just a typical christmas newspaper. I wanted to think more dramatic. I chose to do about the Weather. Strong Winds are currently taking over Whitstable and everyone wants to know the current situation. 

There is known to be three different types of narrative codes that were argued by Barthes in 1974. These being: Action codes, Enigmatic codes and symbolic codes. Out of the three media texts I personally feel I will action codes within my article headline. I wanted something dramatic to draw the audience into the narrative; with damaged buildings and fall trees in roads to create an illusion to the audience that they must read on.

I have created a small newspaper collage so I am able to compare the different weather headlines to see what ones catch audience's attention the most. I personally feel that the bottom right image is the most boldest and strong meaningful. It gives a more dramatic vibe to the newspaper and intrigues you to read on more about the article. This is exactly what I want when addressing my target audience. I will need to think of a headline that is strong and makes my audience feel they are involved in the headline. 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

What Local Newspapers Front Covers Include

I have already researched the conventions of what is usually included on a front cover of a newspaper however this is more so directed at a local newspaper rather than just any newspaper.

Local newspaper-
  • The main story is always essential.
  • Local Advertisements throughout the newspaper.
  • Conventional house style- this can mean the colours and format of the newspaper.
  • A large image for the main story
  • Captions to go with the story
  • Columns of text either side of the story.
Although these are basic elements to a front cover of a newspaper, they are straight to the point and what I will make sure I will look out for. 

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Local newspapers

Local newspapers

For my task that is set I will be producing a local newspaper for my target audience. In order for me to do this, I have previously researched into popular newspapers so I can see why they are so successful by what layout and format they use to I am able to gather ideas from this.  Now to gain more knowledge as to how local newspapers are represented I am going to analyse some newspapers from my local area.

An example of a local newspaper is the Whitstable Times.

This is a local newspaper that I will anyalyse and look into. This newsaper has got a big masterhead at the top for the title and advertisements. The important element to a newspaper is that the title for the newspaper will always be the same for everyone as it is a way in how the newspaper is identified. Here the newspaper has used BIG BOLD text with 'Whitstable' text being larger than 'times'.  Also, alongside in the same font but in non capitals is the headline. This is the most important part on the front cover as it is the attraction to the page to draw your audience in.

This newspaper has used a few images however the headline picture is the largest as this should be the part of the page that stands out the most. If there are too many images on the page then all the attention will be taken away from the headline.

Thursday, 12 September 2013


Research into more specific newspaper target audience

From these results I am able to identify newspapers target audience and who I will aiming at. The most popular age group is over 45 year olds as the younger generation have started to use the internet to find out news. Facebook and twitter have become global and thousands of teenages are using the social network daily, adverts and news have started to be posted on people's time lines, pages so they are able to access the news as well. When I am producing my newspaper I will need to produce it in a style that attracts an older generation as they are more likely to read it.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Friday, 6 September 2013

The Daily Mail's Front covers

Front covers

For my final task I am creating a front cover and a content page. I will gain knowledge from my research so I am able to create my productions. The 'Daily Mail' sells millions of copies a day, I need to identify how. Below is a copy of a 'Daily Mail' front cover.  

 Whilst doing my research looking and analysing the different styles of the Daily main newspaper i have noticed that they have a set structure in which they stick to. For example they use the strips at the top of the page as banners and use a colourful background just on the strip to make it stand out. They do this is nearly all of their newspapers. This approach has obviously been successful with their viewers. The main story lines are always in Black bold writing. Captions are underlined to make them stand out against the large text alongside them.

In comparison between the two newspapers they tend to change the placement in which they put the main image on the front cover. They use the line of three rule which organised the composition of the pictures. They are either placed on the right hand side as a tall portrait picture or they are either in the center of the bottom of the page as a landscape image. I will need to consider this when creating my newspaper, organising where my images will go and what way looks best.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Newspaper Research


My aim is to produce a local newspaper front cover, and contents page. In order for me to do this I will not only look at local newspapers but I will also look at huge, well known newspapers so I am able to identify what aspects work well and who are their target audience. It is important that I do not just jump ahead and start creating my newspaper, first I need to research all about different newspaper articles and observe why they are so successful and what makes them stand out from their competitors. Every bit of information will help me during this task as it will help build ideas in order for me to create my very own local newspaper. 

First I am going to look into the larger UK newspapers. Although these are not local newspaper it is still a good idea to gather information about them, such as their styles, format, colour schemes, producers, target audiences and so on. I am going to look into further detail on the well know newspaper, 'Daily Mail'. My aim is to find out why this newspaper is so well know? why is this newspaper so successful? This will be me inspiration when creating mine.

The Daily Mail

General information
The Daily mail is the second biggest selling newspapers in the UK and I want to find out why. It is a middle-market tabloid and is owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust. Depending on how much money the newspaper makes depends on what market each newspaper will be categorised in.The daily mail was first published in 1896 by Lord Northcliffe.Daily Mails current newspaper competitors are 'The Sun'.  When the daily mail first began it was originally classed in the lower middle class. This included a low retail price however it was successfully the first newspaper in the UK to sell a million copies a day.

Gender Audience

It is stereo-typically said that men read the newspaper more than women. Although the daily mail included many things in their newspaper, in order for them to attract both genders which would bring them a wider audience; catering for both men and women. They did this by including competitions and crosswords in. These small things slowly appealed more to the other gender and statistically it was the first paper to provide features especially for women. This is the only British newspaper whose readership is more than 50 percent female,and man at 53 percent.

How many copies it sells

In April 2012, the daily mail had on average a circulation of 1,991,275 copies. As I have previously said that it is the second largest British newspapers which are such a big success. Throughout my research I am going to find out why this newspaper is so successful and what they do differently to the other competitors. Each month their website has over 100 million visitors on their website.