
Thursday, 24 October 2013

Finding the right headline

Finding a headline

First I will need to decide on a headline for my newspaper article.  As I need to focus on an event that is in the local area I will need to think of a headline that will attract the local audience. It will need to have an impact on the audience in order for individuals to be intrigued and drawn to the newspaper. The headline is one of the most important parts on the newspaper as it is how individuals judge whether to buy that newspaper juxtaposed to other competitor newspapers.

My newspaper that I am designing is based upon the local news within Whitstable. Whitstable have many events as it is a tourist attraction town and is very popular. I have decided to do the headline about a protest on why Whitstable do NOT have any Christmas lights this year.  Many people are thoroughly disappointed as usually every year someone comes to Whitstable and turns on the lights (usually a celebrity). This takes away the excitement for the town as the lights are important to individuals at Christmas. I will ring up the local council to find out why exactly there aren’t any lights up as they should have been up by now. There has been talks about that we will be having lights up but they are stuck in china but this however could be a false allegation so I will find out why exactly when I ring the council.

I will make sure that my headline is BIG and BOLD in order to stand out on the page.  

For example this is a quote I will use based on the Headline. By saying ‘we’ it automatically gives a sense of connection to readers as you are including them therefore it is impacting them so they will want to read about it.

‘we want our Christmas lights back’

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